Are you experiencing hair loss?  

At Hands of Care, we will enhance your natural beauty while boosting yourself confidence. Our hair & scalp therapy sessions are designed to fit your individual needs. We will work diligently to achieve the look and feel your desire. Our one-on-one private sessions are designed to respect and honor your privacy. 

Consultation required for all new clients. 
What is Trichology:

The word "Trichology" is derived from the Greek word 'Trikhos', meaning 'hair'.
Trichologist is the bridge between Cosmetologist & Dermatologist. Trichologist train and study the science behind hair. We help determine the WHY? Once we determine the root cause, we find the best possible treatment or solution to fit your individualized needs. 


Hair Growth Stimulating Therapy

Holistic treatment that improves blood circulation & increase nutrients to the scalp to promote healthy hair growth. 

High-frequency Treatment

Promotes blood circulation to the follicle, drawing nutrients to the root, promoting hair growth.  

Hair & Scalp Scan

Magnified image of hair and follicle to help address the root cause. 

Scalp Detox

Prevent scalp problems, such as dandruff, dry hair, and scalp itch. Designed to unclog and revitalize the scalp.  

Scalp Micro needing

Aids in stimulating stem cells in the hair follicle that encourages hair growth. 

Moisture / Hydration Treatment

Focuses on restoring damaged/dry hair to a healthy state.

Questions & Comments 
Consultation Required for all new clients. 

Contact Scheduling Department 


My address

Houston, 77066




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